研究生 Enrollment for newbb电子平台 Employees

Employees must apply for and be admitted to graduate status as a degree, 证书, or non-degree student through the normal application processes.

入学 and registration do not automatically invoke a tuition benefit. Employees must file benefit request forms separately with 人力资源.

Full-time newbb电子平台 faculty and administrators must complete a Conflict of Interest review before enrollment as a graduate student.

Education Benefits Details

Employee newbb电子程序 Deadlines

输入项 newbb电子程序 Deadline without Conflict of Interest Review newbb电子程序 Deadline with Conflict of Interest Review* 
夏天 4月1日 4月1日 
秋天 7月31日 4月1日 
春天 12月15日 11月1日 


*研究生委员会 meets monthly during fall and spring semesters. Conflict of Interest documents must be submitted with sufficient time for review prior to the desired entry term. 临时, provisional permission may be given for registration if a full review is not possible due to the academic calendar. 

Conflict of Interest Review Summarized

Full-time 教师 and Administrators 

大学的员工, except senior administrators (president, 教务长, 副总统, 助理/副教务长, and deans) are eligible to apply for admission to a graduate program or to non-degree status.  

The graduate program and the employee’s supervisor(s) must consider whether dual status as a student and an employee might affect academic performance and evaluation, 有 the potential to exert pressure on either the employee or program faculty, or creates a situation where either the student or program faculty control resources necessary for the student’s employment. This information is documented through Conflict of Interest questions on the application and forms distributed after an admission recommendation. 

研究生委员会 reviews Conflict of Interest documents. If a conflict is determined to exist and there is no viable way to remove that conflict, the employee shall not be admitted to a graduate degree or non-degree status. 


The 教师 Handbook (Section II.G) stipulates that no academic employee above the rank of Instructor, 研究助理, or equivalent may receive from the University the master’s degree or the doctor’s degree in any graduate program where the employee 有 membership, 教的课程, serves on master’s or doctoral committees, 有, 或者被期望拥有, other supervisory responsibilities which might give rise to conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest.  

newbb电子平台 faculty members or senior administrators seeking a terminal degree must enroll in academic programs outside the colleges in which they are employed. Appeals regarding this policy follow the guidelines established in accordance with the “教师 Grievance Committee” procedures. 

Change in Employment or Degree/Non-Degree Status 

Employees who hold graduate status must report changes in employment to the 研究生学院 to determine if a new conflict of interest review must occur.  


1Conflict of interest information is documented through Conflict of Interest questions on the application and forms distributed after an admission recommendation. Initiated by the 研究生学院 after an admission recommendation is made by a graduate program.
2The graduate program submits conflict of interest documentation to the 研究生学院.Upon completion of the Conflict of Interest application.
3研究生委员会 reviews Conflict of Interest documentation and determines the outcome of the conflict of interest.All conflict of interest documentation submitted by the graduate program is forwarded by the 研究生学院 to 研究生委员会 for review. Conflict of Interest documentation is reviewed by the 研究生委员会 on an ongoing basis during fall and spring semesters
4研究生学院 communicates the decision in writing to the graduate program and graduate student.

If a conflict is determined to exist and there is no viable way to remove that conflict, the employee shall not be admitted to a graduate degree or non-degree status. 
Initiated following the 研究生委员会 decision.



Please contact the 研究生学院 by emailing graduate@俄亥俄州.edu 或者拨打740.593.2800.